Request Medical Records

To expedite your request, you may request medical records online using the form below. To use this feature please scroll down and complete the Release of Information online form. Please note that information entered or self-disclosed on this authorization webpage requesting records will be sent over the internet to DMOS. DMOS cannot guarantee the security of self-disclosed information through the internet. Once submitted, processing takes 5-7 business days. For secure handling, patients may request secure processing by submitting a completed Medical Records Release form. Please print and complete the entire form. Once completed, mail the form to:
DMOS Orthopaedic Centers
c/o Medical Records
6001 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, Iowa, 50266
Patients may also fax the completed request to 515.224.5337. Mailed/faxed requests take 5-7 business days from the receipt date to be processed.
Please note: all medical imaging requests for personal use are done through PocketHealth. A member of the Medical
Records team will send you instructions on how to access your imaging.
DMOS – Ankeny, Des Moines, Urbandale & West Des Moines

Tel: 515.224.1414, option #6 for Medical Records
Fax: 515.224.5337

Step 1: Patient Information

Step 2: Record Request

Step 3: Types of Records

Step 4: Medical Imaging Records Request

Step 5: Purpose of Release

Step 6: Receiving Your Records

*Radiologic (X-ray, MRI, CT) images will be sent electronically as per your request on Step 4.

Step 7: Sign and Submit

Please read the following disclosure:

This authorization is effective for months but no longer than 1 year from the date on which it was signed. (If left blank this document is good for 1 year from the signature date. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time, except to the extent that action has already been taken in reliance upon it, by giving written notice to the Medical Records Department of the source facility. I understand that I have the right to inspect the information to be disclosed upon the proper notification to and under conditions established by the source facility. I understand that my health care and payment for my health care will not be affected if I do not sign this form. I understand this authorization is voluntary. I understand that if the recipient of this information is not a health plan or provider, the released information may no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations and may be subject to re-disclosure. I understand that I am entitled to receive a copy of this completed authorization form.


Prohibition of re-disclosure:

This form does not authorize re-disclosure of medical information beyond the limits of this consent. Where information has been disclosed from records protected by federal law for alcohol/drug abuse records or by state law for mental health records, and HIV/AIDS tests results, federal requirements (42 CFR Part2) and state requirements (IA Code ch.228&ch.141) (740 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 110/5) (Wis. Code §§252.15(6), 50.30) prohibit further disclosure without the specific written consent of the patient, or as otherwise permitted by such law and/or regulations. A general authorization for release of medical or other information is not sufficient for these purposes. Civil and/or criminal penalties may result from unauthorized disclosure of alcohol/drug abuse, mental health or HIV/AIDS related testing and or treatment.


Privacy Notice

I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization, in writing, at any time by sending such written notification to DMOS’s Privacy Officer. Please refer to DMOS’s Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that a revocation is not effective to the extent that DMOS has relied on the use or disclosure of the protected health information or if my authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage and the insurer has a legal right to contest a claim. I understand that information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient and may no longer be protected by federal or state law. DMOS will not condition my treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on whether I provide authorization for the requested use or disclosure.


Signature of Patient or Personal Representative. By typing my name, I am authorizing my signature.